Poll Results February 2024

Sports and Social Cohesion

Welcome to a short survey of four questions about your views and experiences on sports in society. The questions are in a yes/no format, making them easy to answer. However, there is room for you to elaborate on your answers, if you have the time, and we are grateful if you do.
Question 1

Have sports activities shaped you as a citizen?

70% Yes

30% No

Why? /  Why not?

[Yes] I have not engaged in sports activities

[Yes] Has taught me about team work.

[Yes] They taught me how to work in as a team and for the team

[No] I have never been into sport activities and I consider myself an active citizen

[Yes] Sports activist could represent a safe spot for marginalized fragments of the population which they can reach easily institutional spot or institution on every level. Furthermore, It could represent a comunicative spot

[Yes] Im not sure if it counts- but since I started taking classes in Latin couple dancing, I’ve felt such feelings of joy and community cohesion. Meeting people in an urban environment that come from different backgrounds (socially, culturally, professionally)

[Yes] They made me more active in the community and I made also many friends while practicing sports.

Question 2

Have sports activities made you feel engaged and included in your community?

60% Yes

40% No

Why? / Why not?

[No] See previous question

No because I never participated in such activities

[Yes] Increase the awareness around various issues such as racism, sexism

[Yes] Because people ask and care for me to join in social dance events and dance lessons

[Yes] I was a member of a swimming team and we did many activities together, volunteering etc.

Question 3

Have you experienced any barriers when wanting to participate in sports activities?

50% Yes

50% No

Why? / Why not?

[Yes] Not very sporting person + lack of non-competitive sport activities

[Yes] My abilities

[Yes] I feel like in my country there is not that much offer nor interest regarding sports activities

[Yes] Sports that are expensive and require more equipment (tennis, fotboll, martial arts etc)

[No] Access to sports was not prohibited in any way

Question 4

Do you believe that sports activities can contribute to social cohesion?

100% Yes

0% No

Why? /  Why not?

[Yes] Sports activities include socializing and collaboration which could be conducive to social cohesion

[Yes] You can be good whatever you religion, nationality, coulour is

[Yes] Totally, as it promotes cooperation and socialization between citizens

[Yes] Definitely- in regard to creating a community and meeting people from different social and cultural backgrounds and lives (even in terms of age and ethnicity. gender perhaps only when the sport mixes gender) But there can be backlashes as well, in regards to the former question about expenses. If you are a young person without a stable income in combination with not wanting to burden your family financially.

[Yes] When people do activities together, there is inclusion, yes of course.

The number of respondents to this survey was 10, born between 1996 and 2002 (ages 21-28), except one respondent born before 1991. Gender distribution was 40% female and 60% male.