14 countries – 3 continents – 24 participants

November 3
Too many citizens of the world are unheard or excluded from representative democracy, while authoritarian regimes cynically manipulate and roll back democratic processes. Today’s societal challenges, be it the Iranian regime’s merciless treatment of protesting women, Russia’s outrageous attack on Ukraine, the climate crisis, global migration, nationalism and populism, or digitalization and social media developments, must be met with the persistent strengths of an open, lively democracy that actualizes citizens’ political equality, empowerment, participation, and emancipation in new ways.
The young minds of the 24 participants in our fourth annual conference are indispensable when innovating democracy for a brighter future. They bring experiences and ideas from 14 countries on 3 continents and has been selected in hard competition out of 219 applicants from 57 countries; both numbers being all time high in the history of the IYTT.
During the conference the participants are offered meetings with executive professionals and research scholars as part of a structured and moderated program. The youth are expected to substantiate their visionary ideas on reasonable, evidenced grounds, and deliberate and develop them in a collaborative space among equal peers.
The conference will produce a preliminary report and conclude in a live, ten-minute presentation at the public event Gothenburg Democracy Talks. The event will take place at 12.15-13.00 on November 24, at The School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, in conference room SEB-salen.
Taking in the full breadth of the conference experiences, the participants will leave the conference trained in democracy entrepreneurship, with broadened knowledge, strengthened voice, enhanced network capacity, and new friends.
Urban Strandberg
Conference Organizer and Moderator
IYTT Managing Director & Co-Founder