Valeria Andriienko reports from World of Volvo Grand Opening on April 14

20 May

What if we join the forces of an automotive company and a youth think tank in fostering democratic awareness? This visionary collaboration was brought to life on the 14th of April, when the International Youth Think Tank became a part of the Grand Opening of World of Volvo.

An IYTT roll-up, the four IYTT Youth Fellows Lisa Lundgren, Petter Rodebjer, Jouman Tafnkji, and me along with the IYTT manager Urban were among the first things that more than 3 000 visitors saw after having entered a massive tree-like building of World of Volvo. 

– Do you want to talk about democracy?

– No.

This was the most common conversation that took place on that day. Even after a small talk visitor mainly were not eager to sit down and answer our questions.

A highlight of the day were teenagers and a child, who answered our questions enthusiastically.

Our talk companions were coming from Sweden and India. 

Have a sneak peek into our conversations through word clouds.

Best regards,

Valeria Andriienko, Youth Fellow, IYTT