Back at the Nobel Week Dialogue
13 December
As in 2021, the IYTT had the honor last week to be invited to the Nobel Week Dialogue in Gothenburg. This year, the IYTT was represented by Youth Fellows Silvia Papic, Tamila Shvrydyda, Lisa Lundgren and Valeriia Andriienko. This year’s theme was “The future of Migration”.
Youth fellows Silvia and Tamila engaged in impactful panel discussions on the “Governance of Migration” and the “Economics of Migration” with researchers Cathryn Costello and Christian Dustmann. Their insightful questions and perspectives added a valuable youth dimension to the conversations.
See Chrisitian Dustmanns presentation on the economics of migration and the following discussion with Youth Fellow Tamila Shvrydyda here.
See Cathryn Costellos presentation on the governance of migration and the following discussion with Youth Fellow Sillvia Papic here.