International Youth Conference & NOBEL SYMPOSIA 2024
African Youth Show the Way Towards Peace and Democracy
STIAS, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 25-29 August 2024
When too many people are unheard or excluded from decision-making, and authoritarian regimes work to cynically manipulate and roll back democratic processes, young minds are indispensable. The 6th IYTT Youth Conference & NOBEL SYMPOSIA NS 203 engage 24 participants in the 18-to-28-age-span selected from 195 applicants to an open call.
Building on a dynamic interplay between the 24 participants, Nobel Laureates, scholars, and professionals, the overall goal is to inspire people and innovate democracy for a brighter future. Most of the time, the youth will hold their own meetings, guided by four conference moderators, working on their assignment.
The 24 participants choose themes, discuss how to understand the ideal of democracy, and produce a dozen proposals for democratization, democracy renewal and peace keeping, delivered in a concluding presentation and report.
Besides providing explorative ideas to research, the results will be published in the IYTT Handbook for Innovative Democracy to inspire leaders in civil society, industry, and politics. The 24 participants will leave the conference trained in democracy entrepreneurship, with broadened knowledge, strengthened voices, enhanced network capacities, and new friends.
Want to listen?
While most sessions are only for the 24 participants and invited inspirational speakers and commentators, the following sessions are open to the public onsite in Stellenbosch and live streamed:
August 26, 9-12 a.m. – Opening words, Keynote: The State of Democracy of Africa and the World, Panel: The Future of African Democracy – LIVE STREAM LINK >
August 27, 6-9 p.m. – 12th Annual Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert (FVZS) Honorary Lecture & Reception – LIVE STREAM LINK >
August 29, 2-4.15 p.m. – Conference Concluding Presentation – LIVE STREAM LINK >
If you want to recieve an invitation, sign up to our mailing list.
Scientific Organising Committee
- Urban Strandberg, Convenor, Director & Co-Founder, IYTT
- Heidi October, Co-convenor, Head, FVZS Institute for Student Leadership Development
& Deputy Director, Leadership, Centre for Student Life and Learning, Stellenbosch University - Christoff Pauw, Senior Programme Manager, STIAS
- Olav Njølstad, Director, The Norwegian Nobel Institute
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Conference Hosts