The Handbook for Innovative Democracy

18 October

Over last three years, the IYTT International Youth Conferences has produced a wealth of ideas for the innovation of democracy. Now, for the first time, these proposals are gathered into one accessible and user-friendly document.

The Handbook for Innovative Democracy: Policy Proposals for Decision Makers, developed by a working group of nine Youth Fellows, organises all ideas developed by the IYTT so far into the three broad policy areas of governance, education and equity. Furthermore, the proposals are rated in terms of their impact and the resources required for implementation. This is done by way of six parameters: human resources, youth fame factor, time horizon, monetary resources, scope (local, national or international), and dependence on existing regulation. The physical Handbook makes use of QR-codes to access the full text of the conference proposals.

The Handbook aims to inspire decision-makers and others to start working towards solutions by pointing out tangible ways in which democracy can be strengthened and reinvented. It was launched during the Athens Democracy Forum and presented by youth Fellows Michele Castrezzati, Larissa Möckel and Elena Vocale to great acclaim from a high-profile international audience of decision-makers and scholars.

The Handbook for Innovative Democracy in printer-friendly PDF.

The Handbook online.