Protecting the truth keepers – Lindholmen Democracy Talks
We live in times when news travels fast and sometimes unchecked. Vast amounts of information is available by scrolling and clicking, but sometimes it is hard to know what is true and what is not. Some even say that we live in a “post-truth society”, and that we must take action to deal with a “truth crisis”.
Journalism is now more important than ever, since journalists can serve as fact checkers and critical voices. However, in many parts of the world, journalism is a dangerous occupation, because of threats and violence from regimes and others. When you fear for your life and freedom, it is hard to pursue the truth.
How can we defend journalist’s safety? Who can enforce the necessary safeguards to protect those who protect the truth?
In this Lindholmen Democracy Talk, the IYTT Youth Fellows propose that the United Nations should add truth keeping to its well-known peacekeeping efforts, and institute journalistic immunity.
Urban Strandberg (Director & Co-Founder IYTT)
Věra Jourová, Czech politician and lawyer, Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency, served previously as the EU-Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality
Young ideas about truth
Erik Toshach (Assistant Fellow IYTT)
Truth and knowledge in the internet age
Joshua Habgood-Coote (Research Fellow IYTT)
Truth-keeping & journalistic immunity
Michele Castrezzati (Youth Fellow IYTT)
Open Floor Discussion
Questions, thoughts and reflections.
We offer the first 30 attendees free sandwich and a drink!
Watch this past event here: