Running our first youth conference outside Europe in South Africa in August 2024 was a game changer…
by Urban Strandberg
Populism are gaining strength all over the world, underlining a generational value gap.
The International Youth Think Tank was founded in 2019, with the expressed purpose of promoting…
We are proud to announce that eight IYTT Youth Fellows living in Gauteng have initiated and been…
We are proud to announce the publication of the seventh IYTT Working Paper, 'Democratic World Cafés…
We are proud to announce the publication of the ninth IYTT Working Paper, ‘Enhancing Governance…
We are proud to announce the publication of the eight IYTT Working Paper, ‘Global Youth…
The legacy of apartheid, with its systemic impoverishment and social stratification, continues to…
Sophia reports from a youth gathering in Kochi, India
IYTT voice people and transform their ideas to policy proposals
I arrived in South Africa two weeks ahead of the NOBEL SYMPOSIUM NS 203 & 6th IYTT Youth…
by Ida Linell
It was a rainy September Tuesday morning when...
A week has passed since our fourth trip to Athens for the Athens Democracy Forum, where the IYTT…
We returned to Malmö to spark the discussions on democracy and climate at the Overshoot Festival.
On July 29-20 the two Youth Fellows Fabian and Ella...
The IYTT returned to the city of its founding on July 19 and 20 to run Open Chair Democracy Talks…
At the beginning of July I was delighted to be invited to Malmö to pilot a 3 day workshop for young…
This Sunday, International Youth Think Tank’s 6th Youth Conference starts. It is special in many…
by Ann Rinaldo
People, communities, and businesses flourish when there is peace...
In hard competition, from among 195 applications, we have chosen 24 brilliant young minds from the…
A week has passed, and the European Parliament has a brand-new outlook. Clinging clearly towards…
What if we join the forces of an automotive company and a youth think tank in fostering democratic…
The NATO Youth Summit was hosted in Stockholm, bringing together over 200 young leaders in person…
by Johan Äijä
The call is now open to the 6th IYTT Youth Conference and Nobel Symposium
In November, we held our fifth anniversary International Youth Conference in Barcelona, European…
by Erik Toshach
Stellenbosch, South Africa, 25-29 August 2024
In September, the IYTT launched a collaboration with the Brussels-based think tank Friends of…
It was a warm November evening when we headed to one of the main streets of Barcelona to run Open…
The year of 2023 has been the year when the IYTT pushes borders.
The 2022 International Youth Conference called for the use of “sports as a glue for community…
Today we proudly announce the publication of our fourth policy brief ‘Unpaid Care: Revaluing…
As in 2021, the IYTT had the honor last week to be invited to the Nobel Week Dialogue in…
The fifth contribution to the International Youth Think Tank's Working Paper Series, titled "Sport…
Just over a week has passed since the 5th International Youth Conference took place for the first…
Advocating for a Citizen-Centric Approach Towards Artificial & Inclusive Intelligence (AII)
The grand finale of our fifth anniversary conference in Barcelona, European Capital of Democracy.
It has now been little over a month since our third trip to the Athens Democracy Forum. This year…
In July of 2023, we had the pleasure of launching the IYTT’s first Latin American Open Chair…
This autumn, the IYTT is launching a collaboration with the Brussels-based think tank Friends of…
In hard competition, from among 540 applications of 68 different nationalities, we have chosen 24…
Over the world, women spend two to ten times as much time in unpaid care and domestic work.
On September 13th, 2023, the Youth Fellows Federica Baggio, Rabia Turnbull, and Luca Guidoboni…
The call for our fifth anniversary International Youth Conference closed on August 14, and we are…
This is to say, that 2022 was a very good year for the IYTT, that I am extremely proud of our Youth…
Between April 28th and May 1st 2023, the Open Chair Democracy Taks Campaign reached all continents.
As part of this years Open Chair Democracy Spring Campaing, Ukrainian Youth Fellow Victoria…
On 9-10 June, eleven IYTT Youth Fellows from six countries went to the European Parliament in…
During this spring, a dedicated group of Youth Fellows has developed a new workshop format for…
Proudly presenting the publication of our fourth Working Paper
Youth Fellows Federica Baggio and James Mottram report from their trip, where they talked to people…
With determination and pride, we hereby open the call for applications to the fifth International…
Today the results from our eighth Youth Panel are published.
We have invited researcher Aksel Sundström to present the central findings from his new work Youth…
Youth Fellows Elena Vocale, Jouman Tafnkji, and Benedikt Schuegraf are sharing their experiences…
Today the results from our seventh Youth Panel are published.
We wish to extend the warmest thanks to our dedicated Youth Fellows that have graciously borne the…
For Democracy and Against Authoritarianism: Empowerment and Inclusion Through Radical Change
Do you want to be part of the movement?
Youth Fellow Ollie Gee gives us his reflections on the state of democracy as reported in our Open…
Participation in higher education is very much dependent on social, economic, and geographic…
We are proud to announce the publication of the third IYTT Working Paper, ‘Widening Participation…
This is the story of a man that turned an idea into a movement by using two objects that the IYTT…
Today the results from our sixth European Youth Panel are published.
During 21-24 November, 23 young democracy innovators from 14 countries gathered for the yearly…
Presenting the ideas of 24 young democracy innovators from 14 countries.
The young minds of the 24 participants in our fourth annual conference are indispensable when…
Since a decade, policy and decision makers, scholars and democracy activists from all over the…
The IYTT International Youth Conferences has produced a wealth of ideas now gathered into one…
For the second year in a row, we are proud to be invited to the Athens Democracy Forum 28-30…
Here’s Michele, Youth Fellow from the IYC2020 batch. This summer, Sara Maria (IYC2021) and I worked…
Little did we know in 2019 when inaugurating the think tank that in the spring of 2022 Russia would…
A couple of weeks ago, the IYTT contributed with two Open Chair Democracy Talks (OCDTs) to…
A couple of weeks ago the IYTT had the honour to be invited to participate in The Strasbourg Summit…
The International Youth Think Tank was founded three years ago, with the expressed purpose of…
Experiences from talking democracy in 17 European cities.
During the weekend 1-3 April, in nineteen cities all over Europe and in one city in North America,…
We, the Youth Fellows of the International Youth Think Tank (IYTT) express our strongest…
Presenting our ideas for the next hundred years
A live conversation with Simona Mohamsson and Teens for Democracy live on Instagram
Inviting Cambridge’s Centre for the Future of Democracy to present the latest research on political…
Results show that the youth of the IYTT are far more interested in politics than people in general,…
Sometimes change takes years, sometimes it takes five minutes. Change can be hard to achieve, yet…
The sole mission of the IYTT is to develop tangible policy proposals for how to innovate democracy…
Proudly announcing our participation in a panel with Nobel Laureate in Economics Paul Romer.
Do not miss when 24 blazing 18-24-olds from 15 countries propose how to energize democracy!
After going through 184 applications, the conference organizing team has now finally selected 24…
Over the last few months, the IYTT has received many requests for collaborations by various…
An exhibition of artistic interpretations of democracy
We live in times when news travels fast and sometimes unchecked. Vast amounts of information is…
We are very proud to announce that the IYTT has been invited to the annual Athens Democracy Forum…
Citizens are increasingly disengaged with democracy. Some see politicians not as representatives of…
At the International Youth Conference 2020, the participants developed proposals on ways to sustain…
It is with great satisfaction and pride that we today announce the publication of our two initial…
We are proud to announce the publication of our second Working Paper – ‘A Global Charter for Truth:…
The beating heart of democracy is found in open and equal encounters. In ancient Greece, meetings…
The IYTT is proud to announce the launch of a new scene for artistic expressions of democracy.…
The spring and summer of 2021 brings offensive attacks on the open democratic society: the Hong…
In recognition of the ongoing 100-year jubilee of Swedish democracy, we organize a 90-minute online…
After a long year of struggle with the effects of the covid-19 in Europe and the world, we have a…
Today we are proud to present the first results from our own barometer – the European Youth Panel –…
I am extremely happy and proud to present the think tank’s first Working Paper entitled ‘Dynamics…
On November 19, the 22 conference participants in IYC2020, our second international youth…
In late 2018 the former EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and I founded the IYTT to promote a…
Today we proudly present the report from the Gothenburg Democracy Talk 30 November 2020: Facts,…
This movie clip is extracted from the Gothenburg Democracy Day 2020: Futures of Democracies: The…
This week, Monday–Friday, we concluded our second International Youth Conference. We gave the…
Urban Strandberg, conference organizer, IYTT co-initiator and project manager, share his…
Saddened by closed borders in Europe due to Corona and prepared to responsibly adjust to…
Responding to the overwhelming Corona crisis the entire world is about to shut down most social and…
This Friday February 21, two months after we concluded our first International Youth Conference, we…
This week, Monday–Friday, we concluded our first International Youth Conference. Thanks to the…
Great news! The group of the 32 conference participants is now selected and presented. Click here…
Even more fabulous than the numbers, is the amazing content of the applications! I am deeply…
– In the afternoon of September 5 the International Youth Think Tank project had the great…
On Monday June 24, we summoned members in our international reference group to a first meeting in…
Within International Youth Think Tank located in Gothenburg, the fundamental idea is to bring…
The International Youth Think Tank is a new and daunting project that must handle organizational,…
Gothenburg has a century long tradition of industrial activity and trade with global reach, as well…
Bold young people and decision-makers have one thing in common: they do not accept things as is,…